Fullt namn: Bree Tanner
Född: 11 mars, 1990, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Förvandling: 11 mars 2006 vid 16 års ålder
Skapare: Victoria
Död: 15 juni 2006
Ögonfärg: Brun (som människa) Röd/svart som vampyr
Hårfärg: Mörkbrun
Längd: 155 cm
Kön: Tjej
The Newborn Army
Berömda citat:
"How can you stand it? I want her!"
"What - what did you do to me?!"
"Riley wouldn't tell us.He said that our thoughts ware outsafe!"
"I still remember how Riley looked that night, though the image was all blurry because my eyes had sucked back then. He was the hottest boy I'd ever seen, tall and blond and perfect, every feature. I knew his eyes must be just as beautiful behind the dark sunglasses he never took off. And his voice was so gentle, so kind. I figured I knew what he would want in exchange for the meal, and I would have given it to him, too. Not because he was so pretty to look at, but because I hadn't eaten anything but trash for two weeks. It turned out he wanted something else, though."
"He was blond, like the first, but taller and leaner. His skin was absolutely covered in scars, spaced most thickly together on his neck and jaw. A few small marks on his arm were fresh, but the rest were not from the brawl today. He had been in more fights than I could have imagined, and he'd never lost. His tawny eyes blazed and his stance exuded the barely contained violence of an angry lion."
"I glimpsed her face for the first time. She was younger than me, but older, too, I guessed. Her eyes were the velvet color of dark red roses."
"Jane smiled at me, the bright, happy smile of an innocent child, and suddenly I was on fire. It was like I'd gone back in time to the worst night of my life. Fire was in every vein of my body, covering every inch of my skin, gnawing through the marrow of every bone. It felt like I was buried in the middle of my coven's funeral bonfire, with the flames on every side. There wasn't a single cell in my body that wasn't blazing with the worst agony imaginable. I could barely hear myself scream over the pain in my ears."

Född: 11 mars, 1990, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Förvandling: 11 mars 2006 vid 16 års ålder
Skapare: Victoria
Död: 15 juni 2006
Ögonfärg: Brun (som människa) Röd/svart som vampyr
Hårfärg: Mörkbrun
Längd: 155 cm
Kön: Tjej
The Newborn Army
Berömda citat:
"How can you stand it? I want her!"
"What - what did you do to me?!"
"Riley wouldn't tell us.He said that our thoughts ware outsafe!"
"I still remember how Riley looked that night, though the image was all blurry because my eyes had sucked back then. He was the hottest boy I'd ever seen, tall and blond and perfect, every feature. I knew his eyes must be just as beautiful behind the dark sunglasses he never took off. And his voice was so gentle, so kind. I figured I knew what he would want in exchange for the meal, and I would have given it to him, too. Not because he was so pretty to look at, but because I hadn't eaten anything but trash for two weeks. It turned out he wanted something else, though."
"He was blond, like the first, but taller and leaner. His skin was absolutely covered in scars, spaced most thickly together on his neck and jaw. A few small marks on his arm were fresh, but the rest were not from the brawl today. He had been in more fights than I could have imagined, and he'd never lost. His tawny eyes blazed and his stance exuded the barely contained violence of an angry lion."
"I glimpsed her face for the first time. She was younger than me, but older, too, I guessed. Her eyes were the velvet color of dark red roses."
"Jane smiled at me, the bright, happy smile of an innocent child, and suddenly I was on fire. It was like I'd gone back in time to the worst night of my life. Fire was in every vein of my body, covering every inch of my skin, gnawing through the marrow of every bone. It felt like I was buried in the middle of my coven's funeral bonfire, with the flames on every side. There wasn't a single cell in my body that wasn't blazing with the worst agony imaginable. I could barely hear myself scream over the pain in my ears."
