Namn: Jacob "Jake" Black
Födelsedatum: 14 januari 1990
Quileutestatus: Varulv; alfahanne
Källa till varulvsgenen: Blacks och Atearas släktlinjer
Hårfärg: Svart
Pälsfärg: Rödbrun
Ögonfärg: Brun
Längd: 177 cm vid 15 års ålder; 204 cm efter förvandlingen
Fordon: En röd Vokswagen Rabbit och en klassisk svart Harley Spirit
His pack
Sam Uley's pack
Olympic Coven
”So do you think we’re a bunch of superstitious natives or what?”
”I’m so sorry that i can’t be the right kind of monster for you, Bella.”
”Imprinting on someone is like… like, when you see her… everything changes”
”Suddenly, it’s not gravity holding you to the planet anymore. It’s her…”
”I’m not giving up. I’m gonna fight for you… until your heart stops beating”
”Eau the wolf comin´ up.”
He moved like i lightning strike – power and speed and death rolled into one.
"I'll handle clouds, but i just can't fight with an eclipse."
"I know how you're unhappy a lot. And, maybe it doesn't help anything, but I wanted you to know that I'm always here. I won't ever let you down. I promise that you can always count on me."
"If you think that imprinting could ever make sense of this insanity… Do you really think that just because I might someday imprint on some stranger it would make this right? Tell me what the point was then, Bella! What was the point of me loving you? What was the point of you loving him? When you die, how is that ever right again? What’s the point to all the pain? Mine, yours, his! You’ll kill him, too, not that I care about that. So what was the point of your twisted love story, in the end? If there is any sense, please show me, Bella, because I don’t see it."
"My shaking jerked to a stop; heat flooded through me, stronger than before, but it was a new kind of heat - not a burning.
It was glowing.
Everything that made me who I was - my love for the dead girl upstairs, my love for my father, my loyalty to my new pack, the love for my other brothers, my hatred for my enemies, my home, my name, my self - disconnected from me in that second - snip, snip, snip - and floated up into space.
I was not left drifting. A new string held me where I was. Not one string, but a million. Not strings, but steel cables. A million steel cables all tying me to one thing - to the very center of the universe.
I could see that now - how the universe swirled around this one point. I'd never seen the symmetry of the universe before, but now it was plain.
The gravity of the earth no longer tied me to the place where I stood.
It was the baby girl in the blonde vampire's arms that held me here now.
"Maybe... if you weren't a disgusting vampire who was planning to suck out the life of the girl I love... well, no, not even then."
"Yeah, I miss you, too, bro."
"She held the food out to me, her face all soft and pleading. I don't know how she did it, because she didn't look older than her mid-twenties, and she was bone pale, too, but something about her expression suddenly reminded me of my mom."
"Happy to be of service, ma'am."
"Rebecca hadn't been home once since she got married, though she did have a good excuse. Plane tickets from Hawaii were pretty pricey."

"Gillar du spökhistorier?"
(Om jag kunde drömma, kapitel 6)
"Jag antar att jag just begick ett avtalsbrott."
(Om jag kunde drömma, kapitel 6)
"'Vi har ögonen på dig'."
(Om jag kunde drömma, epilog)
"Vad är du nu, fyrtio?"
(När jag hör din röst, kapitel 5)
"Ibland är du lite konstig, Bella. Vet du det?"
(När jag hör din röst, kapitel 7)
"Jag är verkligen ledsen att jag inte kan vara rätt sorts monster för dig, Bella. Jag är väl inte lika bra som en blodsugare, eller hur?"
(När jag hör din röst, kapitel 13)
"Så du har på fullt allvar ingenting emot att jag förvandlas till en gigantisk byracka?"
(När jag hör din röst, kapitel 13)
"Vi är rätt bedrövliga, du och jag. Ingen av oss kan riktigt hålla sig i form."
(När jag hör din röst, kapitel 15)
"Hej då, Bella! Jag hoppas verkligen att du inte dör!"
(När jag hör din röst, kapitel 16)
"Han är på begravningen."
(När jag hör din röst, kapitel 18)
Födelsedatum: 14 januari 1990
Quileutestatus: Varulv; alfahanne
Källa till varulvsgenen: Blacks och Atearas släktlinjer
Hårfärg: Svart
Pälsfärg: Rödbrun
Ögonfärg: Brun
Längd: 177 cm vid 15 års ålder; 204 cm efter förvandlingen
Fordon: En röd Vokswagen Rabbit och en klassisk svart Harley Spirit
His pack
Sam Uley's pack
Olympic Coven
”So do you think we’re a bunch of superstitious natives or what?”
”I’m so sorry that i can’t be the right kind of monster for you, Bella.”
”Imprinting on someone is like… like, when you see her… everything changes”
”Suddenly, it’s not gravity holding you to the planet anymore. It’s her…”
”I’m not giving up. I’m gonna fight for you… until your heart stops beating”
”Eau the wolf comin´ up.”
He moved like i lightning strike – power and speed and death rolled into one.
"I'll handle clouds, but i just can't fight with an eclipse."
"I know how you're unhappy a lot. And, maybe it doesn't help anything, but I wanted you to know that I'm always here. I won't ever let you down. I promise that you can always count on me."
"If you think that imprinting could ever make sense of this insanity… Do you really think that just because I might someday imprint on some stranger it would make this right? Tell me what the point was then, Bella! What was the point of me loving you? What was the point of you loving him? When you die, how is that ever right again? What’s the point to all the pain? Mine, yours, his! You’ll kill him, too, not that I care about that. So what was the point of your twisted love story, in the end? If there is any sense, please show me, Bella, because I don’t see it."
"My shaking jerked to a stop; heat flooded through me, stronger than before, but it was a new kind of heat - not a burning.
It was glowing.
Everything that made me who I was - my love for the dead girl upstairs, my love for my father, my loyalty to my new pack, the love for my other brothers, my hatred for my enemies, my home, my name, my self - disconnected from me in that second - snip, snip, snip - and floated up into space.
I was not left drifting. A new string held me where I was. Not one string, but a million. Not strings, but steel cables. A million steel cables all tying me to one thing - to the very center of the universe.
I could see that now - how the universe swirled around this one point. I'd never seen the symmetry of the universe before, but now it was plain.
The gravity of the earth no longer tied me to the place where I stood.
It was the baby girl in the blonde vampire's arms that held me here now.
"Maybe... if you weren't a disgusting vampire who was planning to suck out the life of the girl I love... well, no, not even then."
"Yeah, I miss you, too, bro."
"She held the food out to me, her face all soft and pleading. I don't know how she did it, because she didn't look older than her mid-twenties, and she was bone pale, too, but something about her expression suddenly reminded me of my mom."
"Happy to be of service, ma'am."
"Rebecca hadn't been home once since she got married, though she did have a good excuse. Plane tickets from Hawaii were pretty pricey."

"Gillar du spökhistorier?"
(Om jag kunde drömma, kapitel 6)
"Jag antar att jag just begick ett avtalsbrott."
(Om jag kunde drömma, kapitel 6)
"'Vi har ögonen på dig'."
(Om jag kunde drömma, epilog)
"Vad är du nu, fyrtio?"
(När jag hör din röst, kapitel 5)
"Ibland är du lite konstig, Bella. Vet du det?"
(När jag hör din röst, kapitel 7)
"Jag är verkligen ledsen att jag inte kan vara rätt sorts monster för dig, Bella. Jag är väl inte lika bra som en blodsugare, eller hur?"
(När jag hör din röst, kapitel 13)
"Så du har på fullt allvar ingenting emot att jag förvandlas till en gigantisk byracka?"
(När jag hör din röst, kapitel 13)
"Vi är rätt bedrövliga, du och jag. Ingen av oss kan riktigt hålla sig i form."
(När jag hör din röst, kapitel 15)
"Hej då, Bella! Jag hoppas verkligen att du inte dör!"
(När jag hör din röst, kapitel 16)
"Han är på begravningen."
(När jag hör din röst, kapitel 18)